Book Chapters

Giovanni De Micheli


  1. R. Bairakulov, A. Tempia Calvino and Giovanni De Micheli, Synthesis of SFQ Circuits with Compound Gates, in I. Elfadel and L.Albasha Editors, VLSI-SoC 2023: Innovations for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, Springer 2024.


  1. S.-Y. Lee, H. Riener, and G. De Micheli, External Don't Cares in Logic Synthesis in R. Drechsler and S. Huhn Editors, “Advanced Boolean Techniques” Springer 2023


  1. H. Riener, R. Ehlers, B. Schmitt and G. De Micheli, "Exact Synthesis of ESOP Forms", in R. Dreschler and M. Soeken Editors, Advanced Boolean Techniques, Springer 2019.
  2. I. Tzouvadaki, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara, "Memristive Biosensors for Ultrasensitive Diagnostics and Therapeutics", in M. Suri, Editor, Applications of Emerging Memory Technology, Springer 2019.


  1. P.-E. Gaillardon, J. Zhang, L. Amarù and G. De Micheli. Multiple-Independent-Gate Nanowire Transistors: From Technology to Advanced SoC Design, in Nano-CMOS and Post-CMOS Electronics: Devices and Modeling, num. Volume 1, 2015.
  2. A. Cavallini, C. Boero, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. CNT and proteins for bioelectronics in personalized medicine, in Hand Book of Bioelectronics: Directly Interfacing Electronics and Biological Systems, Part II, Chapter 9, p. 109-121, 2015.
  3. G. De Micheli. Electronic systems for health management, in Handbook of Bioelectronics: Directly Interfacing Electronics and Biological Systems, Part VIII, Chapter 42, p. 543-549, 2015.
  4. X. Tang, S. Rahimian Omam, P. Meinerzhagen, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. Low Power FPGAs based on Resistive Memories, in Reconfigurable Logic: Architecture, Tools and Applications, pp. 399-432, CRC Press, 2015.
  5. I. Taurino, A. Sanginario, G. De Micheli, D. Demarchi and S. Carrara. Carbon Nanomaterials for Electrochemical and Electrochemiluminescent Medical Sensors, in Carbon for Sensing Devices, Chapter 6, Springer 2015.


  1. D. Sacchetto, P.-E. Gaillardon, Y. Leblebici and G. De Micheli. Memory Effects in Multi-Terminal Solid State Devices and their Applications, in Memristor Networks, p. 429-472, 2014.


  1. C. Seiculescu, S. Murali, L. Benini and G. De Micheli. 3D Network on Chip Topology Synthesis: Designing Custom Topologies for Chip Stacks, in A. Sheibanyrad, F. Pétrot, A. Jantsch, Editors, 3D Integration for NoC-based SoC Architectures, num. 3, p. 193-223, Springer 2011.
  2. C. Seiculescu, S. Murali, L. Benini and G. De Micheli. Design and Analysis of NoCs for Low-Power 2D and 3D SoCs, in C. Silvano, M. Lajolo, G. Palermo, Editors, Low Power Networks-on-Chip, num. 3, p. 199-222, Springer 2011.
  3. H. Ben Jamaa and G. De Micheli. Reliable Circuit Design with Nanowire Arrays, in C. Jha, D. Chen, Editors, Nanoelectronic Circuit Design, p. 153-188, Springer 2011.
  4. C. Baj-Rossi, G. De Micheli, and S. Carrara, P450-Based Nano-Bio-Sensors for Personalized Medicine, in P. A. Serra, Editor, Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity / Book 1, Intech, 2011.


  1. V. Rana, D. Atienza Alonso, M. D. Santambrogio, D. Sciuto, and G. De Micheli, A Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip Architecture for Optimal Multi-Processor SoC Communication, in C. Piguet, R. Reis, and D. Soudris, Editors,VLSI-SoC: Design Methodologies for SoC and SiP, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 232-250, Germany: Springer, 2010.


  1. H. Ben Jamaa, B. K. Boroujeni, G. De Micheli, Y. Leblebici, C. Piguet, A. Schmid, and M. Stanisavljevic. Design Technologies for Nanoelectronic Systems Beyond Ultimately Scaled CMOS, in G. De Micheli, Y. Leblebici, M. Gijs, J. Vörös, Editors, Nanosystems Design and Technology, volume Chapter 3, pages 45-84. Springer, 2009.


  1. S. Murali, P. Meloni, F. Angiolini, D. Atienza, S. Carta, L. Benini, G. De Micheli, and L. Raffo, Designing Routing and Message-Dependent Deadlock Free Networks on Chips, in G. De Micheli, S. Mir, R. Reis, Editors, VLSI-SoC: Research Trends in VLSI and Systems on Chip, vol. 1, pp. 337-356, London: Springer, 2008.


  1. L.Benini and G.De Micheli, Networks on Chip: A new Paradigm for component-based MPSoC Design, in A. Jerraja and W.Wolf Editors, "Multiprocessor Systems on Chips", Morgan Kaufmannn, 2004, pp. 49-80.
  2. L.Benini, D. Bertozzi and G.De Micheli, Energy-Efficient Network on Chip Design, in E. Macii Editor, Ultra Low Power Electronics and Design, Kluwer, 2004, pp.214-232.
  3. D. Bertozzi, L. Benini and G.De Micheli, Network on Chip Design for Gigascale Systems on Chips, in R. Zurawski, Editor, Industrial Technology Handbook, CRC Press, 2004, pp. 95.1-95.18 on Chips, Morgan Kaufmannn, 2004, pp. 49-80.
  4. T. Ye, L. Benini and G.De Micheli, Networks on Chip Design of SoC Interconnection , in C. Piguet, Editor, Low Power Electronics Design, CRC Press, 2004, pp.30.1-30.16
  5. G.De Micheli, Networking Chip Subsystems, in Yearbook 2004, McGraw-Hill, pp.224-226.


  1. D. Bertozzi, L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Error Control Schemes for On-chip Interconnection Networks: Reliability versus Energy Efficiency, in A. Jantsch and H. Tenhunen, Editors, "Networks on Chip", Kluwer


  1. L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Energy-efficient System-level Design, in J. Rabaey and M. Pedram, Editors, "Power-Aware Design Methodologies", Kluwer, pp. 473-516
  2. L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Logic Synthesis for Low Power, in S. Hassoun and T. Sasao, Editors, "Logic Syntesis and Verification", Kluwer, pp. 197-223


  1. G. De Micheli, Cell-based Logic Optimization, in E. Boerger, Editor, "Architecture Design and Validation Methods", Springer, pp. 49-88


  1. G. De Micheli, L. Benini and A. Bogliolo, Dynamic Power Management of Electronic Systems, in A. Jerraya and J. Mermet, Editors, "System-level Synthesis", Kluwer, pp. 263-292


  1. C. Coelho and G. De Micheli, Modeling and Synthesis of Synchronous System-Level Specifications, in J. Berge, O. Levia and J. Rouillard, Editors, "Models in System Design", Vol. 9, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-47


  1. G. De Micheli, Hardware/Software Co-design: Application Domains and Design Technologies, in G. De Micheli and M. Sami, Editors, "Hardware/Software Co-design", Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-28


  1. G. De Micheli, High-Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits, in M. Yovits, Editor, "Advances in Computers", Vol. 37, pp. 208-285, Academic Press, and Stanford University Report, CSL-TR-92-551, November 1992.


  1. D. Ku and G. De Micheli, Synthesis of ASICs with Hercules and Hebe, in R. Camposano and W. Wolf, Editors, "Trends in High-Level Synthesis, Kluwer, pp. 177-203, and Stanford University Report, CSL-TR-91-461, February, 1991.
  2. D. Ku and G. De Micheli, High-Level Synthesis and Optimization Stategies in Hercules and Hebe, in P. Michel and G. Saucier, Editors, "Logic and Architecture Synthesis", North Holland, pp. 111-120
  3. M Damiani and G. De Micheli, Efficient Computation of the Exact and Approximate Observability Don't Care Sets in Multiple-Level Logic Synthesis, in P. Michel and G. Saucier, Editors, "Logic and Architecture Synthesis", North Holland, pp.209-218, and Stanford University Report, CSL-TR-90-424


  1. R. Brayton, R. Camposano, G. De Micheli, R. Otten and J. Van Eijndhoven, The Yorktown Silicon Compiler System, in D. Gajski, Editor, "Silicon Compilation", pp. 204-310, Addison Wesley and IBM Report, No. RC 12500


  1. G. De Micheli, H.Y. Hsieh and I. Hajj, Decomposition Techniques for Large Scale Circuits, in A. Ruehli, Editor, "VLSI Circuit Analysis, Simulation and Design", North Holland, Vol. 2, pp. 1-39 and IBM Research Report, No. RC 11712
  2. G. De Micheli, Design of Control Systems, in G. De Micheli, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and P. Antognetti, Editors, "Design Systems for VLSI Circuits: Logic Synthesis and Silicon Compilation", Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 327-364 and IBM Research Report, No. RC 12062


  1. G. De Micheli, M. Hoffman, A.R. Newton and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A Design System for PLA-based Digital Circuits, in A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Editor, "Advances in Computer Engineering Design", Jai press, pp. 285-364